Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fieldtrip to the fire station

This fieldtrip came at the perfect time.  My mom and I were tossing around the idea of organizing a fieldtrip to a fire station so Slaeter could see the  fire trucks.  I really wanted to make it happen because my son adores cars and is fascinated by anything with a motor.  :)  I was so surprised and excited when my friend, Amy, called me up the NEXT day and invited me to join them as they toured one of San Antonio's fire stations!  The kids had fun, asked questions, answered questions... and learned what to do in case of a fire. 

Sizzlin'  ;)  I ended up being the "model" and wearing the 20lb hat.  I don't think the kids, especially my kids really got the point.  haaaaaa

Checking out the inside of the truck

They received a call while we were there.  The kids watched in awe as the fire truck pulled out of the garage, sirens blaring.  :)

My kids really enjoyed this... 

Our excellent tour guide Nick!  He has a couple of his own kids and was great with all the kiddos when teaching them about fire safety.

The trip was a success!  The kids had a blast!  Thank you Amy for the invite!

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