Monday, January 24, 2011

The scoop...

Here's the scoop.  I have not blogged in months.  I gave up a while back because I just felt so overwhelmed with all that I had on my plate.  So much to do, so little time...  and honestly, I was too busy living life to take the time to blog about it.  Also, I slowly transitioned to FB over the course of the last 2 years.  I fell in love with it!  I love to chat, look at friend's photos, comments...  What can I say?  I'm social and it is a social network.  However, I have returned to blogging (for the next 6 months anyway) because it seems to be one of the best ways to include Nate in our daily happenings.  For anyone who doesn't know, Nate is overseas for the next 6 months.  The time difference and nature of his work make it extremely difficult for us to talk in "real time".  He has been asking me to post pics, fill him in... I would love for him to feel apart of our day.  So, I am dusting off the keyboard and trying to reignite my love creative/informative writing.  A daunting task for a mommy who stopped really truly writing years ago.  I mean, some days I feel as though I barely have time to think my own thoughts, let alone sit down to write in full and complete sentences!  :)  These days it's all about abbr. and txt.  trying to max. time and space.  Hahaaaa  Most of my posts will be mundane, of little interest to most, filled with errors, and mostly pictures, but feel free to swing by my blog to get the latest scoop on my little crew.          


  1. I'm so glad to see you blogging again! We just love keeping up with you... and we will be praying for ALL of you during this time.
    Much love to you from Texas!

  2. Thanks Jennifer! We should try to get together while I'm here. :)

  3. i'm glad you're back, i always enjoyed your blog posts. i hope these months go quickly for you! nate will be in my prayers. david is gone right now too so i feel your pain. :) wish we were close enough to hang out.

  4. Hey Lindsay! Thanks for your encouragement! I read all my friends amazing blogs and get so intimidated! I wish we lived closer too. :) I will be praying for you as well!!

  5. Wow, Liz! That is going to be a long 6 months. So glad you have this way of communication. Just imagine if there were only snail mail.

  6. I am already hooked. INCREDIBLE LITERATURE. I also love that pic of Slay. He is a mini Bieber. HAAHAHAAHAHAH

  7. Cassie - I can't imagine what it was like for the families years ago, especially during the civil war period! My girls really enjoy talking to Nate any chance they can. We are so thankful for modern technology.

    Drew! Hahaaaaa Prepare yourself to be amazed. ;) You should have seen Slaeter's outfit in person - so cool.
