Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Scoop of snow...

Literally a scoop of snow was about the amount of snow that fell.  Still, I was shocked!  Last time it snowed in San Antonio Texas was 1984.  Every year, EVERY winter following, I would pray and by that I mean, BEG the Lord to send us snow.  Every year, NADA, nothing, zip, zero...  I joked last year, when we were stuck in the Blizzard of 08' in Virginia that the Lord was making it up to me.  I haven't prayed for snow since. ;)  So imagine the shock, the irony, when I woke up to children's voices yelling, shrieking with delight, "SNOW!  WOOHOO!"    I could hear the children outside (Yes, everything in SA closes if a snowflake is spotted or the hint that a snowflake might actually survive the fall and touch earth exists.)  I could also hear my own children.  Which was hilarious because they had been complaining about the snow and cold before we left.  I think they just wanted in on the fun outside.  So did I.
I threw on my shoes and just couldn't help myself.  I mean, it's not just every day that it snows in SOUTH Texas!

Obviously.  I overheard these boys saying, "Cool.  We are going to scoop up all the snow and have a huge snowball fight!  It's gonna be awesome!"  They were going from car to car scooping up the snow.  It was hilarious!  Almost hilarious as the teenage boy I saw standing outside trying to "play" in the snow by standing on 1 foot and twirling around and around.

We were able to gather up enough snow from the tops of the vehicles to have a small snowball fight. 

So, the recipe for fun on a chilly Monday morning in February:
2-3 scoops of snow
3 children  (optional, more if desired)
1 sunny day
Plenty of giggles
Tons of smiles

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