Shall we dance? :) |
Practicing for the recital. |
In case you can't tell Mya is loving her dance class. I love this picture because Mya is being such a girly girl, looking in the mirror and smiling at her reflection. |
This is Mya's and Audrey's first year to take dance lessons. When we first arrived in SA and I asked them what extracurricular activity they would like to try this year, they immediately said, "Gymnastics!" I knew it was because Mya had taken gymnastics last year and Audrey was dying to try. It was torture for her to sit and watch on the sidelines. I wanted Mya to try her hand (or should I say feet? ;) ) at dance because I thought she would enjoy it. However, she insisted on gym. I pulled up pictures and video of little girls in their adorable tutus and she began to reconsider. After much back and forth, she eventually decided to give it a whirl (no pun intended). ;) She is enjoying it. I'm not sure she LOVES it, but she is really looking forward to wearing her beautiful sparkly blue (her favorite color) costume as she dances to BippityBoppityBoo.
Audrey, my little drama princess, took one look at the little girls all dolled up and knew this was the gig for her. :) She immediately said, "Mommy! I want to be a ballerina like that! Please Mommy, oh pleeeeeeeease!" Yes this is my girl that has already asked how I got my wedding ring and when I told her you have to married first said, "Mommy I want to get married so I can have a beautiful ring like you! I want to get married..." Really? Already? Mya can't bear the thought of leaving our home and the mention of anyone getting married (which means leaving our family) brings her to tears. As opposed to Audrey, who has already told me she wants to get married in a
beautiful dress (of course) to her Uncle Drew, has found another reason, a ring. I'm getting off topic. All that to say, she is girly girl/princess to the core. Even though, I think she would do extremely well at gymnastics because she is so strong and is pretty athletic, I knew there was no changing her mind. :)
I am just excited as my girls for their big recital! I know all the little girls are going to be adorable and tutu cute! ;)
I'm so glad they get to enjoy this fun activity! Audrey is so cute and sweet. I feel like I haven't gotten to know her as well, so it's sweet to hear all about her unique personality- I love that she has an eye for beauty!