Monday, May 2, 2011

Houston trip (part 1)

I have many fond memories of Sandy(my sis) and I rushing to the TV every morning during the summer, so we wouldn't miss a minute of our beloved show, The Beverly Hillbillies!   That was the first thing I thought of when I peeked inside my parent's full-to-overflowing Sequoia.  We had that thing packed to the max last Thursday!  I seriously don't know how my dad got all of our luggage to fit?!  Being the close, loving family we are (Mhm clearing of throat) and due to the rising gas prices, we decided this only seemed logical.  So, "we" made it work.  Actually, Angela made it work.  She shimmied into the narrow space and remained there for the duration of the trip.  Thanks Ang!  ;) 
I am pretty sure these 3 were more than ready for a chance to stretch their legs and eager to grab a snack at Buccees.
   I thought my parents and Angela were exaggerating when they gushed about how wonderful Bucees was.  I just couldn't understand why they were so excited about a GAS STATIONReally?   Maybe it was the long drive?  Maybe it was the hunger?  Maybe it was the full bladder?  All I know is I was VERY impressed with Buccees! 
 This place had everything!  Tx. spices, sauces, homemade fudge, fresh kettle cooked potato chips  (SOOOO GOOD!!!)...
Every flavor of icee that has ever existed, right at your fingertips...  Unfortunately, for the kids, I had already bought so much food and dessert that I could not bring myself to spend the money on 3 more sugar-filled drinks.  At one point, I looked over at Slaeter and saw him sticking his fingers up the spouts and licking the little drops of flavored liquid off them. Poor guy was desperate.  I kinda of regret not trying some of those flavors.  I'm getting extremely thirsty just looking at this picture, so I better move on.  :)

 Okay.  So how often do you see cowhide and $80 cutting boards sold at your local gas station?

 What to get, what to get?  hahaaaa I could sympathize...

;)  God bless TEXAS!  Also,  I didn't take a picture of them, but God bless Buccees for having the cleanest bathrooms I've ever laid eyes on!

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