Wednesday, February 2, 2011


  It is on freezing cold days like this (Yes, can you believe it is actually freezing cold in S. Tx.?!) that I am especially grateful to be in Texas with my familia.  I am so thankful that I don't have to be dealing with snow + kids...  I know all to well how difficult it is to get out with all 3 in horrid weather.  Right before I left Virginia, Nate was in training and gone for the week.  I was alone with the kids.  Alone and sick with the stomach flu?  Does that even exist?  It was awful!!  Oh and did I mention, I couldn't get out for food because a) I literally felt like I was going to pass out and b) heavy snowfall + no 4 wheel drive = slipping and sliding.  If I had had any doubt about coming down, it was quickly dismissed.  I had some asked me, "Can't you just do it on your own?"  My answer, "Yes, I could.  But why?"  Seriously, life is too short.  My mom has been helping me with Mya's school and taking 1 of the kids every Wed. on a date.  That leaves me with the other 2... Today, I had Mya and Slaeter.  Unless, you've been living under a rock or your power is down (which is a very real possibility), you probably know that the "winter blast" has taken the country by storm.  The mid-west has been hit especially hard.  San Antonio is experiencing some of the coldest weather in years, which is still nothing compared to what my friends are experiencing in Purcellville (Stay warm!).  Still, it is pretty chilly and there was no way we were going to the park on a day like today.  So, I bundled up the kids and we headed to Barnes and Noble.  Really quite therapeutic, FOR ALL OF US.  Now that, you just can't beat.  And it doesn't usually cost us more than $5.  
Slaeter enjoys playing with Thomas the train.  We bought him a little set for Christmas.  One he could bring with him to Texas, but doesn't compare to the mega set at B&N.  It buys me at least 1 hr. of time to relax, sip my coffee, read (to myself and Mya), and just take death breaths.  Priceless.

This is really becoming one of our favorite places.  Slaeter patiently waits for me to pick my magazines and books.  ANYTHING for Thomas... ;)  I have come to also cherish the sweet moments it allows me to spend with my girls.  We can have an UNINTERRUPTED conversation, read books...  Mya love language is quality time.  As much as I long to give that to her, it is hard to find the time ( and our schooling doesn't count) to just sit and listen with my other 2 bouncing around, demanding attention.  She has never complained and always understood.  She willingly helps out with the mothering.  Because Audrey and Slaeter followed right on her heels and because I was so sick with my pregnancies, Mya was never really babied.  She learned to carry her own weight at an early age.  She has had to grow up faster than her siblings.  It hit me the other day, as I was watching her busy about her work, how quickly she is losing her "baby look" and becoming a little girl.  Where did the time go?  I guess that's why the moments we get together are so special for both of us. It's my chance to baby her.  To hold her.  My love tank is full when I see her overflowing...Priceless.

This may sound cliche', but I don't care.  Although, it was cold outside, the sting of the cold was removed by the warmth in our hearts!

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