Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Out with the new in with the old.

 Before there was Sea World and Fiesta Tx. there was Kiddie Park.  My sister and I celebrated a several birthdays there... even made my debut on the local television station at this park ( I think they were doing a segment on children?). :)   It has been around for over 50years and was recently bought and restored by a young couple who could not bear to see it disappear into nothing more than a memory.  I'm so glad they did because it needed a little face-lift, tender-love and care.  Not much has changed.  The rides are the same.  However, the brand new entrance, freshly painted buildings and park benches; along with the beautiful, yet simple landscape give it a cute, very quaint feel.   Add a crisp spring breeze to the mix and it makes for one very fun, relaxing, delightful Sunday afternoon.

Before heading to the park, we found a picnic table in Brackenridge park and enjoyed the simple meal my wonderful, very considerate madre had prepared for us.   

If I had the time and patience I would dig up picture of Sandy and I on these exact same rides, making similar expression hahaaaaa   who knows, maybe I will...
 My cautious son was a little unsure of the rides and needed a little pushing/prodding to get on them.  However, because I see so much of myself in him, I knew that once he experienced it, he would be hooked.  Sure enough, after the 1st ride on these little cars, he begged me to let him ride them again and again.  After a few times, I "encouraged"  (basically forced) him to try something new.  It was a vicious cycle...  by the end of the day he realized he loved every ride in the park and begged to stay.  :)  And, I once again found myself forcing him, but this time it was to leave.  Honestly, repeating that process over and over again was the only tiring thing about the day.  ;)  Thanks son.
         This smile made it all worth while. 

 Of course, the girls were ready to jump on every single ride the moment we arrived.  And although, Mya insists pink is no longer her favorite color, she was determined to get first dibs on this rockin' plane.  

This ride was something else...  felt like my whole world was spinning out of control.  :)  Angela's face pretty much says it all HAAAAHAAAAAA  
Thanks mom and dad for making this day possible and helping us continue the tradition!!! Thank you Steph and Angela for helping out and making the trip so fun!  We love you all!!

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