Saturday, April 2, 2011

"Spring" in San Antonio...

                       Spring-like weather in San Antonio last for about a month or two, if we're lucky.  I headed out with the kids, no plan, just in search of a good time. ;)   But of course, "no plan" means ice cream and a little (I said, LITTLE, Nate haaaaa) shopping at La Cantera.  As I was driving, I couldn't resist pulling over to snap a few photos of the girls among the flowers native to San Antonio.   


  San Antonio is a rapidly growing city and so many of the places where we used to take photos a few years ago, no longer exist.   Finding a field of flowers, especially a good-size patch of bluebonnets is near impossible these days! 
 Like I said earlier, spring in San Antonio is basically summer in Virginia.  Although all 3 were born in Texas, they are no longer used to the heat ( temps 80 degrees or higher).  I have a feeling they are going to in for a rude awakening when summer actually arrives. :)  We made a bee-line for Marble Slab the minute we arrived at the mall. 
                         Daddy's girl ~  She looks just like Nate in this picture!

 Enjoying every last drop...
Peekaboo I LOVE YOU!
 The girls are growing like Texas wildflowers ;).  They have there fair share of arguments, but I know they love each other more than anything in the world.  I hope I can encourage them to remain close, just as my dad encouraged me and my sisters.  He would always say, "Remember.  Your sisters will always be your best friends."  He was SO right!
Today, I was able to take a couple quick photos of Mya helping and comforting her little sister while we were at the playground.  Although, she teases her younger siblings unmercifully at times, when push comes to shove, she is very protective and watches out for them like a little mother hen. 
Amazing what a little tender love and affection will do.  :) 

 And after all these years of having to carry her own weight because I had my hands full with a baby, Mya finally gets a little help.  :)

 We left La Cantera happy, hungry, and ready for a good night's sleep.  ;) 

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